Spawning Salmon: The Nutrients of Life

Did you know that there is much more than one type of salmon? To most people, a salmon is a salmon, but not in Alaska. In the 49th state, there’s King Salmon, Silver Salmon, Pink Salmon, Red Salmon, and Chum Salmon. Each salmon has its own physical characteristics, but to the untrained eye may look exactly the same. The prized possession is the King Salmon, the largest and best tasting meat. This Salmon is sought out from all over the world, especially the white king. There’s one stream in the entire world in which White King Salmon comes from, and the salmon is a genetic variation of the King Salmon. Silver Salmon are also highly prized for their delicious meat and size, but there are more Silver Salmon than King Salmon during fishing season. The most abundant species is the Pink Salmon, these species are often eaten by people living in the “Lower 48” but Alaskans avoid pinks and they’re often reserved for their pets.

 When salmon reach the end of their lives, they run, and then spawn, specifically in the summer months. If you look into an Alaskan river and see millions of salmon swimming upstream, you can assume these salmon are running. During the salmon run, they spawn. Spawning means releasing their gametes into the water so new salmon can be born. After spawning, all Alaskan salmon die, and the life cycle starts over again. To Alaskans and other observers, spawning salmon is one of the most beautiful things that happens on the planet.  To some people, it might be gruesome, but the spawning salmon give large quantities of life to the earth. As salmon die, they give birth to millions of new salmon, and the dead salmons’ bodies decompose directly into the soil. At this point, you can see millions of dead salmon floating downstream, for days and sometimes more than a week. These salmon wash all over on river banks, and some make it back to the mouth of the river.

 When all of these salmons’ nutrients are released back into the water and the soil, there is an explosion of fertility in the water and its surroundings. Fireweed grows taller and brighter. Berries grow at an astronomical rate with these nutrients, and then bears come near to water to join in! If you’ve ever seen bears catching salmon in a river, that's why the bears are attracted to the water! Grass becomes greener than ever, and marine life in the rivers and ocean explodes with nudibranchs and other species such as sea stars, sea jellies, sea cucumbers, and many others. In Alaska, the circle of life is one of the most beautiful things, and it’s very easy to observe while the salmon spawn. Spiritual Native Alaskans believe that the Salmon give up their lives to feed mother earth. The salmon, to them, have a greater purpose. Their bodies literally feed the planet, and allow for new life. The nutrients of life in Alaska are the salmon, if the salmon didn’t exist in Alaska, the entire ecosystem would look drastically different. It’s for this reason that projects such as the Pebble Mine must be opposed, because these projects wipe out the salmon species. Salmon are essential to the state of Alaska, and must be protected.


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