Puffins, Orcas, and Otters, Oh My!!!

Don’t let the title of this blog fool you! I’m going to discuss many more of Alaska’s species than these, but these are some of the most beautiful creatures! As I’ve touched on in previous blogs, the nature in Alaska is breathtaking, and some of the most breathtaking things to see are the creatures. There’s many days when I’m on the water and I see a plethora of creatures. Moose, bears on the beaches, bald eagles, puffins and hundreds of other birds. I see sea jellies (known as jellyfish to the Lower 48, but they aren’t fish at all), mollusks, and hundreds of fish. There’s porpoise, different species of whales such as humpbacks, minkys, and belugas. Orcas also swim around here too. Many people don’t realize that Orcas are actually dolphins! Their nickname ‘Killer Whale’ certainly doesn’t help! Rafts of sea otters float by very often, which is one of the cutest things I believe someone can experience! I believe the creatures in Southcentral Alaska, such as the Kenai Peninsula, are the most beautiful in the world. The species are so diverse, and there’s so much to see on any given day! Not only are these creatures beautiful to look at, but they also have very unique ways to survive the climate! For example, sea otters eat almost entirely mussels, clams, and mollusks. Each sea otter carries their favorite tool, a rock, in their armpit for their whole life. They use their rock to break open shells and eat the meat inside! Sea Otters actually have their own favorite tool as well, and are scientifically known to become upset/sad if they lose their favorite rock. When mother sea otters are feeding their babies, there’s a big issue with how fast the tide moves. By the time a Sea Otter swims to the ocean floor and back up, their child could easily float miles away, and be lost from the mother. To prevent their babies from being lost at sea, they tie them into beds of kelp on the surface, to keep them from floating away. Sea Otters are very emotive, and are very advanced in their thinking and knowledge! Orcas are another very advanced species in the water! Orcas hunt in a pack, and swim all together when travelling. It’s quite the marvel of a sight when you see Orcas swimming in a row, rising above the water, they’re very beautiful creatures. Bald eagles may be endangered in the Lower 48, but up in Alaska, they’re very common and are like seagulls. It’s not uncommon to see upwards of 10 bald eagles at once, in trees, or flying high above the water. Puffins are another beautiful bird! When you watch a puffin fly, their wings move extremely quickly, and you may wonder how they aren’t out of breath when flying! They also fly very close to the water, rarely flying 5 feet above the water. It’s very fun watching them fly up and down over the swell on the water! All of these creatures are part of what makes Alaska so beautiful, and if you have a chance to see them, go do it!


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